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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  July 22, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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exonerating giovanni ramirez they say that he is not the attack. >> the addition of attorney filed multiple charges against sanchez and marvin or wood. >> these new suspects are not strangers to violence and alcohol abuse. each has a laundry list of convictions. >> marvin nor will it also has a long list of convictions. they are as follows.
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>> the two of them were arrested on thursday. law- enforcement officials say there is no official forensic evidence against the two of them the two of them did make incriminating statements. now the sister has been released and they say charges are pending, they say sanchez faces a maximum penalty of nine years, nor would it may face eight years. >> and norwood was another attack the same day that bryan stow was attacked. >> that is right, he is being count-charred-with two counts of battery from an incident that happened on the same day. >> this is what bryan stow is family posted.
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it >> right now those in the bay view section of town are mourning the loss of the man that was killed last saturday running from the said that kenneth harding died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. a lot of people in the community say that they are dubious about the story by officers, they still think he was shot by the police. j.r. stone is live in the bayview. this vigil, is is still going on? who >> it is still going on in another section of the bay view, i can tell you that this vigil that is going on is a much different mood than the last to be events that were held in this area. a lot more somber, he did not see officers there because this was a community event, this is for those people that were still upset. despite what the medical examiner said about a self-inflicted gunshot wounds, many people did not believe that was the case.
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they do not believe that is the case. i want to go to some of the video from this vigil. there were only a few dozen people it was much more somber than the other events that were held this week. some of the pictures that were held up, kenneth harding and oscar grant. i talked with some people watching this event they said they still remember watching as kenneth harding died last saturday, they say is something that they cannot get out of their mind. they are hopeful that good will come from this period of the feelings were mixed, some had relaxed emotions as some had strong emotions. >> i am tired of the killing, and mourning the loss of my own mother right now, but god sent me here to pray that what ever is cricket shelby straight now in justice and shall preserve. >> the town hall meeting that happened here the other night that was actually
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reproductive in the sense that it was important for people to name that it is not appropriate for the police to come out and run a meeting and ask for feedback from the community or be accountable in any way. >> i talked with a number of people that live in the debut area--in the bay view area, they told me they have seen some changes since last saturday they said it had not seen as many officers at the muni station a bay view area they have not seen as many checking for tickets and many of them said that is good news. they felt good about seeing that. reporting live in bay view, i am j.r. stone with kron4 news. >> san francisco policeman continue to look for the gun that killed kenneth harding they believe that he died by some how shooting himself in the neck. the san francisco police chief talk today about how that might have happened. >> for the members of the public who question how is it possible that 19 year-old
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kenneth harding fatally wounded himself while running away during a recent shootout with san francisco police in the city's bayview district, san francisco police chief greg surr offers this possible scenario. >> if you will, if the gun was your right hand, and you turn to fight or under your arm, your gun will be about your men sternum. apparently the officer shot and hit the suspect in the leg. imagine if you felt like an instant hamstring pull, that would cause the person to lurch, and then the gun hit the right side of the neck and locked behind the cheek. >> that may be a tough sell for the skeptical public. however, the chief says that all he can do is give the public the facts as they come in. >> i am putting out the factual forensic evidence as i can an effort towards full
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disclosure and transparency in this investigation. >> they said investigators looking into the shooting death of harding have not ruled out the possibility that he took his own life during the incident. >> anything is possible. >> we are taking a live look outside at conditions over the mount tancam road, low cloud coverage has pushed his way back into the bay area. a quick look at what is on tap for the next 24 hours, patchy fog returns to the bay area after midnight. as we head into tomorrow morning, we will see fog not only on the coastline before the bay and inland spots. temperatures only in the '70s for most locations as we head into the afternoons we will see sunny but breezy conditions will have a full check of your seven day around the bay in my next report. >> the kron4 news at 8:00 p.m. is just getting started, still ahead, incredible pictures out of norway, homegrown
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terrorists set off an explosion that ripped open buildings, then went to a summer camp dressed as a police officer gunned down kids as they ran for their lives. >> i think it has proven difficult for a john boehner to do that. >> debt talks break down as the august 2nd deadline looms >> if i had to do it again i think that would do the same thing. >> it is not a good time for our state parks, a lot of the funding is being cut, and some of them are under threat of being closed down. if you are taking video with your phone, or a video camera, you could help to raise money for the state parks. i am gabe slate in that is coming up in my tech report. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet
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and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >> i am grant lotus with an update on this deadly day in
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norway that will go down in history. i will use this board to show you exactly where it happened. that is norway right there. i will give you a closer look because the police say norwegian man is responsible for this. there are two different locations and one massive bomb and the capital of oslo is what got this all started. it in a few hours later the officials said that he dressed as a police officer shooting and killing dozens of children and youth camp right here on the island about 25 mi. off from oslo as i launch pictures and video some of these images are quite graphic. this is the man that the police say are responsible for the deadliest day in norway since world war two. this is 32 year-old zander's--anders bravick is started on friday, one massive bomb exploded killing 87 people and
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injuring dozens more. and then a couple hours later they say he did more damage, they say the norwegian farmers use multiple guns while shooting at children and a youth camp on a nearby island. at least 80 deaths have been reported at that site along, and that number is expected to rise. witnesses say some people that try to swim away were shot in the water. that you can't is affiliated with the norway government. officials believe that the suspect acted alone and is not affiliated with any islamic terrorist groups. their largest tv broadcaster describes him as single, christian, a conservative and a member of right-wing extremist groups. i am grant lotus with kron4 news. >> as we take a look at the morning lows, this is what we see across the board. plenty of low cloud coverage mixed with the morning fog i will have your full forecast when we return.
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>> talked over raising the debt ceiling have broken down speaker boehner broke off talks with the president today telling fellow republicans that he will begin talks with senate leaders to try and move forward. president obama responded quickly calling a news conference after he heard that. >> in the interest of being serious about deficit reduction i was willing to take a lot of heat from my
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party and i spoke with democratic leaders yesterday and although they did not sign off on a plan, they're willing to engage in serious negotiations despite a lot of heat from a lot of interest groups around the country in order to make sure that we actually dealt with this problem. it is hard to understand why speaker boehner would walk away from this kind of deal, and if you look at the commentary out there there are a lot of republicans that are puzzled as to why it cannot get done. in fact, there are a lot of republican voters out there who are puzzled as to why could not get done because the fact of the matter is in the vast majority of the american people believe that we should have a balanced approach. here is what we are going to do, we have now run out of time. i have told speaker boehner, i have told
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the democratic leader nancy pelosi, i have told harry reid, and i have told mitch mcconnell that i want them here at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. we have run out of time and they are going to have to explain to me how it is that we are going to avoid default. >> speaker boehner argues that he and the president cannot connect on how to cut deficits, he accuses the white house of not being serious about spending cuts. >> i gave the president a proposal a serious consideration the let us understand something there was an agreement, there was an agreement at the white house with $800 billion in revenue. it is the president walked away from his agreement and demanded more money at the last minute. the only way to get that extra revenue was to raise taxes. >> again, there is an odd this second deadline in all of this to avoid a default. [music]
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>> we are checking out conditions for you in downtown san francisco you can see all that patchy fog making its way to the area. it will increase as we head into the overnight hours over the san francisco coastline, through the inland areas as well. as we head into tomorrow we will see slightly cooler conditions as we head into the weekend. right now you can see that the bay area is dominated by green and yellow on your screen. we have 60s along the coast, sitting in the '70s as you push your way inland. a quick look at temperatures they will go neighborhood by neighborhood only getting up to about the 80's. we are keeping it cool at the coast line. we have '70s and in the inland areas and 80's
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down in the south bay. this is your seven day of around the bay forecast. >> in news around the bay, the oakland police are looking for two suspects accused of killing a man last night. he was shot around 7:00 p.m. on 84th avenue witnesses have indicated that two people might have been involved. a teenager convicted of a church shooting, he faces life in prison he shot and injured two people at this church, this is a church in richmond on february of 2010. the victims endured while attending a valentine's day service, you may remember that dramatic video but they did survive. the prosecutors say that the shooting was gang- related. now we are learning about the plane that crashed earlier this month the pilot had his license less than four months when this
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happened. investigators said that he took off from the watsonville airport and a very steep angle, and then it went until it was nearly upside-down and then dove into this building. this is near the watsonville community hospital all 4 people on board were killed. our state's financial problems have led to funding cuts for parks. the threat that some will be closed. if you like to record video with your phone, or your camera you can help to raise money for the parks. there is a sony video contest in you could win some nice prizes. gabe slate of shows us what sony is doing to help the parks. >> this is a tech company doing a good thing trying to help our parks and giving you an opportunity to win a cool prizes. and they would on a $20 of every sale of their movie studio hd software to the parks in california. this is software that will help you if your video to make them fancier,
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titles, special effects, sound effects, you can double your--upload your video to basically where. these are for non apple computers, pc. now if you click on the buy vegas software, you can purchase the sega's software for $94 that is a discount offer $134. sony wants to raise awareness of the state parks. to do this they are having a contest. video submissions will be accepted until september 1st. 19 winners will be announced on november 1st. the uprising are pretty tempting--the prizes are pretty tempting here they are. for more information,
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log on to look for my tech page. >> stay with us, more news coming up after the break. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪
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who >> about two months from now, gay and lesbian members of the military will be able to serve openly the white house have is officially signed off on the repeal of don't ask don't tell. >> this certification document has been signed by the president and chief of staff, that has been submitted to congress. for the requirements of the don't ask don't tell repeal act of 2010 repeal it will come into effect 60 days from now. to date will be tuesday september 20th. >> that certification sign today states that this will not harm military readiness, local and gave-- lesbian and gay people were at to the community center today to celebrate. >> now we know the you are
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really busy and cannot always sit down and enjoy the latest we give you the latest news weather and traffic in sports updates online. just take the first video that we have, every day be posted multiple forecast on facebook so that you can watch on your computer or your smart phone device. you have weather forecast at your fingertips ready to watch when everyone. we also posted news headlines in the morning and evening giving the top stories of the day. if you are not mere 18 ft. during news time, just fire up your computer and watch online, streamed the kron4 newscast directly on facebook. head to the facebook fan page and click like, we have a little something for everybody stay with us, the news at 8:30 p.m. is coming up next. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge.
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so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >> a vigil in the bayview district for the 19 year old kid is harding who was killed in a shootout with the san francisco police. police said that he was shot after he opened fire on them, but the medical examiner now says that the bullet that killed him did not come from a police issued gun. two men and a
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woman were arrested in the bryan stow beating case. the regional suspect giovanni ramirez has been exaggerated he is in jail on a non related charge. bryan stow family members say that he's making progress in his recovery. the debt talks are breaking down, president obama has asked the congressional leaders to meet with him, leaders from both parties they will meet at the white house and work on this again tomorrow. some we can weather around the country, a blistering heat wave continues in the northeast, triple digit temperatures. they are setting records in some places, the extreme weather is being blamed for nearly two dozen deaths. keep advisory's have been in effect from maine, to ohio. the heat wave could continue in many parts of the country this weekend. boston was one of those places where was really hot, local hospitals said they see twice as many patients as usual. doctors say that the heat can be very dangerous if not taken seriously.
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>> a lot people coming in with nausea, not feeling well and not eating right. >> no chances been taken, this is a summer camp and they're trying to make sure that the children stay cool, they're getting eyes and things to play with. they're getting a taste of january and mid july. the to the jews have been in the mid 100 degree range, but it will cool down. in new york, the heat is sparking power outages. there has been a record power demand, the people have been using their air conditioners. the teacher-this in-he has opened more than 500 cooling stations. and in wisconsin, this is unusual, people are running off with air- conditioner is. they say that there have been roughly 40 air-conditioner is taken. part of the problem is that they have not been installed properly. >> i guess i have to go in and bolt it down.
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>> a lot of them have been disappearing since july 1st. nearly 40 have disappeared. >> now this is ontario canada, but it is the horse love is the sprinkler. the owner put this on the lawn, and the horse is just a they're getting cold. it is hot all over the country, but not for us it will cool down this weekend. >> a complete different story, but we see fifties in san francisco, we are below the seasonal average. usually in mid july we will see some 80's on the board at this hour, but definitely not the case but we will chill out in the '60s and '70s. as we take it into tomorrow afternoon the temperatures will be similar to what we saw today, again we are about 10 degrees cooler than the seasonal average in the north bay. only up to about 80 degrees for those in santa rosa, we're keeping it cool for the ocean beach. it is
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certainly not be to whether there. we will see a mixture of '60s and '70s for our east shore. keeping it actually very cool for the san ramon valley, only getting into the mid '80s for places like danville and walnut creek. we have a mixture of '70s and '80s down in the south bay. one of the war missed spots tomorrow will be down at morgan hill at 88 degrees. as i show you the seven day around the bay forecast, the cooling trend is in effect for the weekend. we will wake up to morning fog and breezy conditions. we will continue to see partly cloudy conditions until we hit thursday and friday is an temperatures could be back to the low 90s. >> a clayton man was arrested after he ran his car-into a house full of
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teenagers, he said he heard a loud banging and he saw his house and took vandalize, he chased them in the red truck that you see there, he rammed their car, he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. >> you have seen houses with a toilet paper hanging from trees and stuff, and it is like if you have friends that will do to your house, is seen as friends, that is the cool thing to have happened if you're in that age group. but if you have a parent that is angry about it and they go out to take matters into his own hands instead of calling the police and doing something that really in my estimation is an overreaction. >> that is a mug shot of boyd he said that he was more frightened and angry. he said there has been a rash of burglaries and he only wanted to get the cars tag number. now this is
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danny piesta he was making his rounds and he saw black smoke coming from the house. there were two children and a baby sitter standing outside they said that a grease fire in the kitchen was out of control. he first called 911 and then he grabbed a garden hose. >> it flared up and then it started coming out of the ceiling, it was coming down a hallway that kind of scared me, i got as low as i could and i just kept hitting the fire and it finally kind of went out and then it flared up again a couple of times it did that. and then it was coming up to the ceiling already and then finally i did not give down i kept the water on their to make sure that it would dissipate the heat. i watch movies like a bad draft and i was thinking on my caution! that is what they're talking about when they say do not put any water on the oil, it does not mix. it was pretty
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scary. the funny thing is, people joke around and they say will what did they ask you? i said they ask me if i was ok and i said is my hair still in place? >> it was so funny. i did not know how much smoke i had my body, like to the shower that afternoon and everything was just black. but i was thinking of something happens, i have two months ago, i have 27 years of my job, does clad everyone turned out safe. if i had to do it again, i would and i was just thinking at of instinct and hopefully that was the right decision. >> we know how the store will in, but the final chapter in the border's books saba is still being written. this bankrupt chain is now offering big discounts as a part of it's going out of business sale. >> where were all of these customers when borders really needed the one i wondered? purchasing books online perhaps. their
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liquidation of their merchandise drew a crowd in sunnyvale. >> why didn't become more and buy books? maybe borders would not be closing right now. i've got some books and magazines, i do not even know where to buy magazines anymore. >> i found some books that i was hoping to get for ages. and now i have them for like $2.40 dollars, that is a blessing. >> the sign says up to 40% off and there are some good deals. like the large coffee table books that sell for about $60 they are now to is $10. allow people are saying that the items inside is going for 10% off. borders said there are no cameras allowed inside but we look through and we could see long lines snaking around the store with customers reading their selections as they waited about 20 minutes to 30 minutes to check out. this is one of 28 stores closing in california about
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399 nationwide. some customers said that this is a sad day. >> amazon is in personal, your books after one week, you look at the book, you see it, you buy it. >> i am sorting through the remains of this bookstore and i am sorry to see a bookstore go. >> it is the beginning of the in for the 40 year-old chain, one of the merchandise is on this fall, it will be a little harder to find a real brick and mortar bookstore. >> the end of borders means that the customers will look somewhere else to get books. charles clifford visited a small store in the east bay. it is already feeling the impact. >> all of these shelves back here are shifting constantly as we need more room, we kind of card out more room. >> she is the manager of a black hole it is a bookstore and they suspect
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when borders is gone, business here could pick up. >> we have had a lot more phone calls asking if we have recently released books as opposed to use the books. i think it has has sort of an impact. >> if former borders customer start stopping by they could read--increased their new release inventory. >> it depends on how much the demand picks up. we have space, and did not have to deal with some corporate office to see if we can expand. >> even though the demise of borders could mean more customers for black oak, she is still sad to see it go. due to online sales, all bookstores are facing a changing future. >> i felt sad about it, i feel sad when e-book store closes. >> and a near-death experience for the son of
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arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver his name is christopher, i will tell you what her call sounded like to 911 after the break.
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>> gary and the sun is recovering after a body boarding incident last weekend this is a look at how deep fracture family has come together to support the and this 14 year old. >> christopher suffered serious injuries, a collapsed lung and several broken bones for his been in the intensive care unit for several days. maria shriver placed a 9 on call. poor >> what is your emergency? r >> although maria and arnold are separated in going through their divorce, they really are coming together for their son. that
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is the picture of the governor and his daughter stopping by the hospital. arnold is said to be a city visitor while his ex-wife maria is there sitting at his side. and this is the tweets from his sister. >> today this is what patrick tweeted. among the family did issue a statement saying that this is been a scary we could, but christopher is expected to make a full recovery. route >> this is a law that has been on the books for three years now, but it is still the most ignored in the bay. i will get this after the break.
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>> here is stanley roberts to sow some people behaving badly. >> the handsfree law in california it's about three years old, for the last three years it had been widely ignored. when drivers since no one is watching they will use a cellphone illegally like this and driver. that mention i was not the only one that notice the driver on the phone. i'm with the california highway patrol. >> you are being stopped using yourself on what driving.
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>> no matter if it is a car, or a truck every driver ernie savage handsfree device, the driver of the propane tank did not. he admitted to being on the phone because he forgot his blue tooth. recover this driver is traveling 40 mi. per hour on the freeway, but it's also doing something else, and with cellphone users. >> i stop you because you are doing something with your cellphone and is causing you to leave all the road. >> what was she doing? >> i was coming down the freeway and i got a text message in and look down to see what it was. so i slowed down and i was leaving. -- weaving. >> this trump are also had a cellphone firmly attached to his ear on the freeway here is what happened. >> someone call, i've picked it up and answered it was actually my office.
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>> this driver was my favorite i watched him and then when he stopped the city was not on the phone, he was listing for a dial tone. fyi police, fire and ambulance drivers are exempt from law while on official business. >> if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e- mail us at people behaving badly at [music] >> here is a pretty shot that i recorded moments ago, the sun sets and that low cloud coverage pushing its way to the bay area as we take a look at exactly what is on tap for the next 24 hours, as we head into the overnight hours the patchy fog will return not only to the san francisco coastline, but to the inland locations as well. we will continue to see the fog for tomorrow morning. it will push its way back bring sunny conditions albeit breezy
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conditions into tomorrow afternoon. as we take a look at where temperatures will land neighborhood by neighborhood we are below the seasonal average. >> it looks like we see '70s hugging the immediate date--bay and it to low 80s down in the south bay. a quick check from your seven day around the bay forecast shows the cooling trend in affect heading towards the weekend. the good news is that as we head into thursday and friday we will see warmer weather for you, and low 90s for the inland spots. >> and national news, leon panetta was officially sworn in as the secretary of defense today, vice president joe biden on the right was presiding at the ceremony at the pentagon. he says that he is ready to face the challenge of keeping the u.s. military strong despite budget constraints. the former head of the cia is replacing
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robert gates. one person was killed and at least 35 injured this morning when a tour bus of a tractor- trailer crashed. this was in upstate new york, they say the big reagan really ended the bus. the truck driver was killed. a bus passenger it describes the scene on board. >> i was sitting in a seat with my mom, and then it looked as though the bus exploded in we went right in the air everyone out of their seats and then called hell broke loose--all hell broke loose. >> it became difficult to breathe, it like it's the ear was black, it just seemed like it took for ever. >> troopers say that one man held a lot by pulling passengers from the burning
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bus. a police officer in ohio is in trouble for the way he behaved during a traffic stop it happened last month in canton ohio, take a look at the-camera video released by a gun rights group. >> you were supposed to say that off the d ### >> i should have put 10 bullets in your * * and let you drop. and he would've been a witness as i execute you because you are stupid. >> he must now realize the could hear him, he is on leave. the police chief said that the behavior is not acceptable and the officer is under investigation. in
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miami gardens florida workers repairing a security camera 30 ft. in the air were trapped for a while when the cherry picker caught fire in appears that the eighth ira--they hit a power line and started a fire. the crew was shaken they suffer some shocks, but they're expected to be ok. after the break will tell you what everyone is doing out here gathering at open square. stay with us.
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>> and the giants' catcher buster posey has cleared another hurdle he has the screws removed from his surgically repaired left ankle. he is weeks away from being able to put weight on his leg. he tore three ligaments in his fractured a bone in a home plate collision the one that you just saw there. there are people in the streets of oakland in their dancing tonight. i can see them now. what is this for daniel? >> this is dancing under the stars and it is free dance lessons that happen every friday night throughout the summer. tonight they are giving a lesson right now, as you can see there is a large group taking this lesson and they are learning the american tango tonight, next we will be the fox trot, the week after that it will be the
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sum up. then it will turn into a dance party out here at 10:00 p.m., it is every friday is raw the summer and it is completely free. and now that looks like a good idea, have they been doing well o'clock? >> this has become quite a popular theme union square. and you can see the sides of the crowd. these people all here for dance lessons. >> any children? it sounds like a fun thing. >> people have definitely brought children, and there is one right over there, see the little short one right there, there are people here of all ages. >> that looks like a lot of fun, a nice way to spend a summer evening thank you for joining us and i hope to see you tonight at 11:00 p.m.. [music]
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